quinta-feira, 8 de novembro de 2012

"Carta" ao Presidente Obama

Por mãos que não revelamos, tivemos acesso à carta que Mário Soares dirigiu ao Presidente Obama!

Dear Mr Obama, Presidente of the States

I am Doctor Mário Soares, father of the democracy in Portugal, and a big socialist.

I want to say to you, that you have to win the elections in the States, because you are a very big hope to humanity.

You, please, do not desist e win every cost must take.

I prefer writgh this letter “en français”, that is a tong that i dominate more, but for you understand my inglish, i ask to Mr. Sócrates, old prime minister of Portugal, to help me to wright this letter.

I am much nown in Portugal and in Europe, for that, if you want, you can publicate this letter and show to the great people of the States, the americans.

You go to see that with my letter the americans go to vote on you.

A great hug, (or like we say in Portugal one “chiheart” much squeeze), to you, of this friend portuguese

Doctor Mário Soares


If you want to wright to me, is enough to put in the envelop:

Doctor Mário Soares

because i am much known here, and the people give-me the letter of you.

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